In a world undergoing constant change, VINCI Energies focuses on connections, performance, energy efficiency and data to fast track the rollout of new technologies and support two major changes: the digital transformation and the energy transition

VINCI Energies creates bespoke multi-technical solutions and services for energy, transport and communication infrastructure, as well as buildings, factories and IT systems. To promote its services and expertise, VINCI Energies has created four international brands focusing on four different business lines: Omexom for infrastructure, Actemium for industry, Axians for ICT and VINCI Facilities, along with local brands, for building solutions. These brands act and collaborate to develop innovations and environmental services.

VINCI Energies Key Figures

With their strong regional roots and agile organisational structure, VINCI Energies’ business units boost the reliability, safety and efficiency of energy transport and communication infrastructure, factories and buildings.

As the VINCI Energies’ brand 100% dedicated to industry, Actemium has unified all its Business Units operating on industrial processes.

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